NZWTA Wool Testing is committed to exceptional standards across our testing capabilities and wool analysis. To assist our customers and grow their knowledge, the NZWTA lab team have collated useful and relevant technical information, provided below as downloadable fact sheets.
For any specific queries on wool analysis, wool testing or technical data, please contact the NZWTA team here who will be happy to assist.
Statistics are updated monthly and provided to the New Zealand and international wool industry. Statistics are generated from the wool sampled and tested by NZWTA Wool Testing.
To receive monthly emails of our current statistics, please request by contacting us here.
NZWTA Wool Testing has a strong international reputation for Technical Excellence and is an accredited laboratory by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ). We are committed to upholding the highest quality standards, and pride ourselves on the accuracy and efficiency of our work.
NZWTA Wool Testing is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by International Accreditation New Zealand System (IANZ Accreditation Number: 413).
IANZ is a recognised international organisation and has signed the Mutual Recognition Agreements with a number of other international accreditation bodies such as National Association Authorities Australia (NATA), South African Accreditation System (SANAS) and Chinese National Laboratory China (CNLA). This overcomes international trade barriers and eliminates the need for international retesting.
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